
Why Easing Restrictions Will Lead to More, not Less, Collateral Damage

Any packaged medication will come with a leaflet that warns of possible side effects. Manufacturers have to err on the side of caution, so they report pretty much every symptom that has been observed during clinical trials, even if most were probably unrelated to the medication. The only pills without side effects are those that don’t produce any effects at… Lees verder »Why Easing Restrictions Will Lead to More, not Less, Collateral Damage

Talk at Skepsis conference – What if false beliefs are useful?

Four years ago, I gave a talk at the Skepsis conference in the Netherlands addressing the question: “What if false beliefs make you happy?” My partner-in-crime Massimo Pigliucci gave a talk about epistemic virtues in the same session, and we had an enjoyable discussion on stage afterwards. Apparently the organizers liked our joint session quite a lot, so they invited… Lees verder »Talk at Skepsis conference – What if false beliefs are useful?

Scientism Schmientism! Why There Are No Other Ways of Knowing Apart from Science (Broadly Construed)

(This is a revised and expanded version of an earlier post, now published at the APA blog) What do we talk about when we talk about scientism? Most people who have heard of the term believe it’s something bad, an epistemic sin or affliction we should avoid at all costs. And that is indeed the most common usage of the… Lees verder »Scientism Schmientism! Why There Are No Other Ways of Knowing Apart from Science (Broadly Construed)

How Not to Get Sucked Into an Intellectual Black Hole. On the Warped Epistemology of Conspiracy Theories

What will the next major world event be? It’s difficult to make predictions, as the physicist Niels Bohr once said, especially about the future. But one thing we can already state with absolute confidence: whatever happens, the event will soon spark a range of conspiracy theories. Some people will claim that nothing is as it seems. Everything was carefully staged… Lees verder »How Not to Get Sucked Into an Intellectual Black Hole. On the Warped Epistemology of Conspiracy Theories

Why the World Isn’t Going to the Dogs (A prologue to a book yet to be written)

“More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction.” – Woody Allen Let me begin with a simple question: which of the following statements is correct? (1) There is a tremendous amount of misery in the world. (2) Never before has there been so little… Lees verder »Why the World Isn’t Going to the Dogs (A prologue to a book yet to be written)

Coronavirus Should Not Distract Us From Fighting Other, Deadlier Diseases

If influenza viruses could think, right now they would undoubtedly be wondering: What the hell is going on with our hosts? They used to be so gregarious and touchy-feely, but now they hardly get together at all. It’s a disaster! Indeed, although face masks, hand hygiene and social distancing were not intended to combat the flu, our old tormentor has also taken… Lees verder »Coronavirus Should Not Distract Us From Fighting Other, Deadlier Diseases

Scientism schmientism! Why there are no other ways of knowing apart from science (broadly construed).

What is “scientism”? Most people who have heard of the term believe it’s something bad, an epistemic sin or affliction we should avoid at all costs. And that is indeed the most common usage of the term. The general gist is that of science overreaching, pushing beyond its proper limits, illegitimately colonizing other fields of inquiry. On the other hand,… Lees verder »Scientism schmientism! Why there are no other ways of knowing apart from science (broadly construed).

Forget about “overpopulation” (new paper in The Lancet)

Forget about “overpopulation”, dear catastrophists. Better change your tune and start preaching about “underpopulation” and “depopulation”. Demographers have known for a while that global population growth has been slowing down for decades (having peaked in 1968), but according to this amazing new study in The Lancet, global fertility is falling even faster than we think. The authors argue that global… Lees verder »Forget about “overpopulation” (new paper in The Lancet)

How to Save the Planet Through Globalization and Intensive Farming (Yes, Really)

“The world is flat,” proclaimed economist Thomas Friedman in his 2005 book of the same title. And since then, the world has flattened further still. Not only has a contagious fragment of RNA ravaged every corner of the world, but so have the economic shockwaves. In a flat world, everything is connected to everything. And if someone somewhere happens to capture and… Lees verder »How to Save the Planet Through Globalization and Intensive Farming (Yes, Really)

The Covid Wake-Up Call: Protecting Humanity Against Global Disasters

Should humanity have seen this pandemic coming? A 2007 scientific study called coronaviruses in bats a “time bomb.” In a 2015 TED lecture, Bill Gates warned that “we are not ready” for the next pandemic. Last year, an interdisciplinary team developed a scenario for a global pandemic, caused by a previously unknown coronavirus. Their predictions came uncannily close to today’s reality. More and more people… Lees verder »The Covid Wake-Up Call: Protecting Humanity Against Global Disasters