
Is there anything wrong with “conspiracy theories”?

  • English

Is believing in “conspiracy theories” irrational? Well, it depends! If by that term you merely mean “any hypothesis or explanation of an event involving a secret plot”, then obviously it isn’t. History books are full of real conspiracies: the Watergate break-in, the Iran-Contra affair, the murder of Julius Caesar, the Moscow show trials, and just about any terrorist attack or… Lees verder »Is there anything wrong with “conspiracy theories”?

In defense of scientism. Discussion on Reductio Malayalam podcast.

Here’s a marathon interview I did last week with two Indian philosophy enthusiasts on the nature of scientific knowledge, the reliability of our cognitive faculties, the limits of science, the question of scientism, the evolution of reason and adaptive misbeliefs, whether we should trust gut feelings and intuitions, the misguided principle of “methodological naturalism” in science, whether we are living… Lees verder »In defense of scientism. Discussion on Reductio Malayalam podcast.

Left is Not Woke: An Interview with Susan Neiman

“This book couldn’t wait, it was too urgent and necessary,” the American-German philosopher Susan Neiman tells me in her hotel in Ghent. She is doing a tour across Europe to launch her latest book Left is Not Woke. Neiman was born and raised in Atlanta, but has spent most of her adult life in Germany, where she’s the Director of the Einstein… Lees verder »Left is Not Woke: An Interview with Susan Neiman

Guest appearance on podcast ‘Science & Société’

Here’s a podcast interview I did for the French chapter of RePlanet, the new environmental NGO that wants to liberate nature by using science, technology and human ingenuity (which unfortunately are being pooh-poohed by many traditional environmentalists). It’s a wide-ranging conversation, tackling my research on pseudoscience and irrationality, the confluence of ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ factors in explaining science denialism, the… Lees verder »Guest appearance on podcast ‘Science & Société’

In Defence of a High-Energy Future

In response to global warming, countries all over the world have been devising plans for a transition to clean energy sources. But how much of this clean energy will we need in, say, 2050? Much hinges on getting this question right. What infrastructure should we build to generate the desired amount of energy? How much transmission and storage capacity should… Lees verder »In Defence of a High-Energy Future

Are Some False Beliefs Good For You?

We all entertain some false beliefs about the world and about ourselves. None of us is perfectly rational, after all, and we are all susceptible to misjudgement, bias and self-deception. But suppose we could wave a magic wand and get rid of all our erroneous beliefs. Suppose you could come clean with yourself and have truthful beliefs about everything you… Lees verder »Are Some False Beliefs Good For You?

Building new nuclear reactors is an ethical duty (for countries like Germany)

Is there a wind of change in Germany? The country has one of the strongest anti-nuclear movements in Europe, and the Atomausstieg (nuclear phase-out) was supported by a broad political consensus. But today, more and more German people, including political and business personalities, support the idea of extending the lifetime of the last three nuclear power plants in their country.… Lees verder »Building new nuclear reactors is an ethical duty (for countries like Germany)

Why We Should Be Suspicious of Conspiracy Theories

What will the next major world event be? It’s difficult to make predictions, as the physicist Niels Bohr once said, especially about the future. But one thing can be prophesied with near certainty: whatever will happen, the event in question will spawn a range of conspiracy theories. The official version of events, whatever it turns out to be, will be… Lees verder »Why We Should Be Suspicious of Conspiracy Theories

My conversation with Steven Pinker about ‘Rationality’

Here’s my conversation with the psychologist Steven Pinker about his latest book ‘Rationality’ at the Night of the Freethinker (Nacht van de Vrijdenker) in Ghent. We talked about the undeserved “uncoolness” of rationality, the allure of positive illusions, the cultural wisdom of jokes, the science of cultural evolution and the concept of memes, the popularity of books portraying people as… Lees verder »My conversation with Steven Pinker about ‘Rationality’

Why Covid Did Not Spell the End of Globalisation (And a good thing too!)

Probably the most common prediction about the world during the Covid pandemic was that this was the end of the era of globalization. The world as we knew it before 2020, with its daily merry-go-round of people and goods and services, would be gone forever. While some commentators deplored this, fearing a retrograde move towards greater nationalism and protectionism, many others eagerly… Lees verder »Why Covid Did Not Spell the End of Globalisation (And a good thing too!)