My guest appearance on the Popperian Podcast

On this episode of the Popperian Podcast (isn’t that a nice alliteration?), Jed Lea-Henry and I talk about how to distinguish between science and pseudoscience (aka the demarcation problem), Karl Popper’s famous solution, my own ‘naturalization’ of pseudoscience, the question of scientism and limits of science, the epistmology of conspiracy theories, and when it is rational to believe falsehoods. Wow, we talked for almost two hours!
Thanks a lot to Jed for inviting me, and for being so extremely well-prepared (he basically read almost all of my papers, even my unpublished manuscript about pseudoscience that is coming out soon). I had loads of fun!

Here’s the episode on YouTube and a bunch of other platforms.

The Popperian Podcast #37 – Jagdish Hattiangadi – ‘Francis Bacon’s Skeptical Recipes for New Knowledge’ The Popperian Podcast

This episode of the Popperian Podcast features an interview that Jed Lea-Henry conducted with Jagdish Hattiangadi. They speak about Jagdish’s new book Francis Bacon’s Skeptical Recipes for New Knowledge. Francis Bacon’s Skeptical Recipes for New Knowledge | SpringerLink and Jagdish Hattiangadi is a Professor of Philosophy at York University, Toronto. *** Jagdish Hattiangadi’s academic profiles: Jagdish Hattiangadi – Home ( and Jagdish Hattiangadi ( and Jagdish Hattiangadi –   Support via Patreon – Support via PayPal – Website – The Popperian Podcast — Jed Lea-Henry Libsyn – The Popperian Podcast ( Youtube – The Popperian Podcast – YouTube Twitter – RSS – *** Underlying artwork by Arturo Espinosa
  1. The Popperian Podcast #37 – Jagdish Hattiangadi – ‘Francis Bacon’s Skeptical Recipes for New Knowledge’
  2. The Popperian Podcast #36 – James Kierstead – ‘Education for Science and Democracy’
  3. The Popperian Podcast #35 – David Edmonds – ‘Murder in the Vienna Circle’
  4. The Popperian Podcast #34 – Elliott Sober and Mehmet Elgin – ‘Karl Popper’s Changing Assessment of Evolutionary Theory’
  5. The Popperian Podcast #33 – Flavio Del Santo – ‘Karl Popper and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics’